Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm such a looder (loser in Hunter-family talk). Haha! Here I sit on my couch with my tv on ("I Love Lucy" is actually on, and man! Talk about flashbacks. I looved this show as a girl. Loved) and I'm browsing facebook...and now I'm updating my blog.

And it's funny because my life is incredibly un-notable. I'll update anyway. Don't feel obligated to read on.

SO GUESS WHAT?!?!?! I made my own FACEBOOK PAGE (for my photography...not for me)!! I'm really excited, and I probably check every few hours to see how many new "fans" I have; currently 140! Woot. And I even think that 10 of those fans are true fans. Meaning, I don't know who those 10 people even are, but they are fans of my page!

Onto other news, remember that post about my job dilemma? Don't worry, I found a job. Nothing too exciting. I work for a website (family history stuff) and I sell yearly subscriptions to genealogy fanatics over the phone! I know, glamorous:) Haha! I'm honestly really grateful to have a job. Andrew and I really would have been up a creek without a paddle if I hadn't gotten it. In fact, shortly after I made my "the economy sucks" post, Andrew lost his second job and had his hours lowered from his first! Ah! But, hey, no worries there. Now he has more time for school now, AND he got his old job back at the Marriott Center.

Anyway, life is really great. I'm pretty happy, to be truthful. I'm excited to attempt to get my photography business started, and I'm LOVING my black and white film photography class. I really love film. It makes me think more about my photos.

This is far too long for an update. I'll end here.

And for your viewing pleasures today, I will post some really fun cellphone pictures!
This is the amazing toilet-seat-cover system used at the Chicago Airport.
It rotates after every flush so you don't have to do it yourself, and you don't have to squat to pee and get muscle fatigue (girls, you ALL know what I'm talking about).


Katie said...

seriously ingenius! love you Molly Mcbutter!

Larissa said...

Those are Easton's absolute favorite toilets. Can't wait to show him this picture.