Monday, March 15, 2010

Did I hear a 'niner' in there?

Dude, I'm 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just realized that if I finish school within the next 2.5 years like I hope, I'll be ALMOST 26 BY THE TIME I FINISH!!!!!!!!!! Puh-thhhhhe-tic.

Seriously? Why didn't someone slap me silly as an 18-19-20 year old?!?!? Why didn't someone shake me awake and ask "WHY AREN"T YOU CHOOSING A MAJOR?!?! WHY DON"T YOU FIGURE OUT YOUR LIFE?!?!"

I decided to travel and get married instead:) Not bad things...all good...but really. Being in school until your 26...and starting as an 18 year just like Tommy Boy.


Katie said...

Yeah they are called Dr' same here graduated at 26 and still didn't get the marriage thing in there yet =-) Don't feel bad Molly. You are doing what you love and are amazingly good at. Don't stress about this!

Jesse M said...

Hey at least you're realizing this now at 23 and not 25 like me. And at the minimum I'll be done in 2.5 years. And I'm sure Matt would be saying the same thing as he's getting ready to go to law school at age 31! So it could be worse. But you're doing a lot at a young age and that's good. It'll set you up later for the rest of your life. Just think you get live your total life so far almost 3 times over!

Matt said...

first of all, I'm 32 (not 31) and will be starting law school--and so was Dad when he went to medical school. second, have you ever heard the phrase "it's the journey not the destination that matters"? if not, then let me tell you something: it's the journey not the destination that matters. big deal, you'll be 26. it always seems like a bigger deal until you get to that point in your life and realize you feel the same way as you did years before, only now you'll have actually accomplished your goal. also, the experiences you gain that come through college (not the schooling, although it is important) are likely more valuable than your schooling and certainly just as important. it's always better, no matter how long it takes, to become what you want to become than to always wish to be want you want to be. so don't sweat it.