Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm mostly alive...

and mostly tired. This semester is the semester of TIREDNESS! Not sure why, but I am permanently longing for my bed at home...no matter the time of day. Don't worry, I don't have mono...got that three years ago.

Today half of my chin is swollen like I hit it off of something and bruised it...except it's just a little red and not bruised. But it FEELS bruised! I thought it was just a giant, unpoppable zit at first, and then I realized that it covered the entire bottom right half of my chin! Weird, huh? I hope it goes away...I hope it's not a giant zit that has mutated into a chin-sized zit. That'd be awful and I'd look like a mutant.

OH MAN! Sp, sometimes I get really embarrassed in class for almost no reason. It has happened to me a few times in my Spanish class where I turn bright red in the face. It has also happened to me a couple of times in my intro to B&W film class. It usually has to do with being singled out. Once that happens, I get super awkward and nervous and if my teacher says anything remotely funny in regards to the situation at hand, I turn as red as a playground kickball. Why?!?!? I don't know, but then my red face makes the situation legitimately embarrassing. Haha! Why can't we control the blood-flow to our faces??

Let me give an example to illustrate just exactly what I'm talking about here. Back when I was in Chile (fall of 2007), I was invited over to the bishop's house for Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening). Well, at that point I didn't speak much more than, "Necesito hacer pipi" and "Estoy aprendiendo espanol (I need to pee, and, I'm learning Spanish)." Anyway, my girl Bri and I go over to his house with our friend Pato and have a great time. By the end of the night, the bishop asks me and Bri to bear our testimonies. I didn't even know how to start. I said something like (as a translation in English) "I know the church truth, God to live, Jesus is nice. He is my friend, Amen" (Yes, I did say that Jesus was nice because I really didn't know ANYTHING). Luckily, I felt pretty okay with my testimony since, well, they knew I didn't really know how to say much. Haha! I figured they could forgive me for whatever they didn't understand and hopefully FEEL my beliefs instead:) The fact that I messed up like a champ didn't even phase me. Later, however, to end NdH they ask me to say the closing prayer. Ohhhh man. Don't ask me why, but I was really scared and had absolutely no clue how to start. I think I was more scared to give the prayer since praying is a little bit more simple and you can memorize certain phrases to at least get you through the hard parts and help you learn along the way. Unfortunately, in the two weeks that I had been there, I hadn't attempted to learn how to pray in Spanish. How embarrasing! I didn't know anything and didn't even know what to start "Dear Heavenly Father" or finish "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." I remember turning slightly red right from the start, but I said yes because I didn't want to be rude and look dumb. Haha!! Ohh, if only I knew... I ended up absolutely butchering the prayer and it lasted approxiamtely 15 seconds. I mumbled something along the lines of, "Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus, amen." Actually, I have no recollection of what I said, but it was short and I could only focus on how beet, beet red my little, embarrassed face was becoming. I opened my eyes after the prayer finished and looked up at Bri who was sitting right across from me. She looked at me, and mouthed "You're face is SO red!! Oh my gosh!" And then Pato said the same thing..."Woah, Mohli, you're face is really red. Are you okay?" Too bad I didn't know how to say, "Heck no, Pato!! I just made a fool out of myself in front of everyone because I suffer from unpredictable face-reddening-out-of-unnecessary-embarrassment syndrome." And the fact that they brought attention to my red face just made it that much redder.

Seriously, I still have no idea why I got as red as I did that night, but I don't think I'll ever forget it! I really hate when I get embarrassed for no reason, and yet it happens all of the time! Haha! At least I can laugh afterward and come home with funny stories for Andrew.

And since it's always a shame to read a blog post by me without a photo, enjoy the face of my beautiful, AMAZING mama. I love her and I'm glad she's my mom.
Hahah! Please be jealous of this lady...she is not only really sweet, nice, caring, and a strong individual, but she's also really funny. She taught me all of her funny faces that I know...and I have a lot of good ones.


Unknown said...

I love this woman as a sister! She's changed my life and all for the better. Amen

Rebecca said...

I can totally relate to the red face thing. It happens to me all the time (even when I'm not embarrassed which I really don't understand!) and the absolute worst thing anyone can do is say "Wow! Your face is red!" which is, of course, what everyone always does. Oh does it ever stink. I think I sympathy blushed for you while reading this post! haha

And I agree about your mom - she's a real peach!

Jesse M said...

My guess about your chin is that the people who lived in your house before you brought a Mexican red kneed tarantula from Mexico and lost it inside the house. Seeing as how it can live up to 30 years it's made its burrow there and during the night probably came out and bit you on the chin. I mean there is the freak chance it could have laid eggs in your chin (400-1000 eggs), but that usually happens late summer so I don't think that's it. Just wait a few weeks and if little spiders come out you'll know that's what it is.

Larissa said...

I totally get red-faced over non-embarrassing situations, but then my red face embarrasses me and so it turns into a purple face situation. SO embarrassing. It's way worse when I'm pregnant. Hate it.

I'm not jealous of Mom, I'm jealous of you getting to see Mom everyday (she just left a few hours ago, sad). You should take more pictures of her, I like them. You should get one printed for the fam. I know I'd love a professional photo of her!