Friday, January 8, 2010

Economy, I hate you

I quit Cricket (willingly) a few weeks ago, and I thought it'd be kind of easy to get a campus job (that pays minimum wage, yes, but it's a job), but MAN!! BYU is pretty intense with those minimum-wage-paying positions! I've been told 'no' to two different jobs already and I felt like I was pretty qualified. Obviously, someone was more qualified than me. I'm not even good enough to clean carpets!! SHEESH!

I'm just annoyed. Frustrated. Poor. College. Student. All of those words describe me right now...kinda discouraged too. *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to live off of student loans till someone gives me a chance. I swear I'm a hard worker!

Ok, I'll post a picture. Words get boring sometimes:
At least I know I have Andrew. He's my boy. I really love him a lot. Yeah...thank goodness for him! Last night I was having a woe-is-me party, and he made me feel better. I was lying on the bed, whining about the fact that I can't afford a new lens that I really just WANT and how I will never get to start up my own photo business because I can't get that lens, and how I already feel overwhelmed about school and that there is a possibility that I'll get kicked out of the photo program, and that I can't even get a job that pays over $4 less an hour than I was making before, and how LIFE IS JUST AWFUL. And he just told me, "Don't worry about it", and then he started asking me things like, "what color are my socks?" Then I'd give him a short answer and continue on with my pity party. Then he would ask me the colors of a bunch of other things and he asked me what food cats eat, which way I'd go if I came to a fork in the road, etc. Finally he asked me what cows drink...guess what I said? Milk. Haha! It made me laugh...pretty hard actually. I already KNEW that joke, but he still got me. So I stopped being a big baby, sat up and we went downstairs to watch AFV together and we laughed at people falling off of bikes, ripping their pants, running into glass doors, etc.

Last but not least, I think I'm going to make this blog private. Why? Well, why not? It's all the rage, and I have my photo blog to entertain people with, and then I can use this blog to write about my life. I'd invite my friends to read, if they wanted.


Rachel said...

I'm sorry about the whole job thing. That STINKS. You can try calling the Family Support and Treatment Center in Orem and asking if they have any positions open. Ryan and I were "Weekend House Parents" there while we lived in Provo; one weekend a month, we had to stay overnight and watch kids who had been taken out of their homes. It was a pretty rewarding job. You could look into a job working with people with disabilities in their homes; I think there are a couple of companies in Provo that do that---is Tricare the name of one of them? I can't remember. Maybe you could house sit for rich people; or tutor their kids; etc. How do you get on a list to do that sort of thing? There HAS to be a job somewhere in that town just WAITING for you to take it! In the mean time, let's get you the maximum hours with HELP. Did you get my email of ideas? What do you think?

I'm glad Andrew cheered you up. Husbands are good at that. They always seem to have perspective. I was just whining to Ryan about my life, and he said, "Hey, look at me. How old am I?" And I said, "27." And he said, "No, 27 1/2. And I don't have much to show for myself other than you, and that's all I need!" It put things in perspective.

This is officially the longest comment ever. HANG IN THERE!

Rebecca said...

Oh no! Remember that the equipment doesn't make the photographer. You already have good equipment, so just keep trucking with it and take awesome pictures that make people say, "Wow! She took THAT picture with THAT lens!? If she can do it, I can do it." Be an inspiration for other starving artists out there!

Meg said...

Oh Molly! I know how you feel. Thank goodness for husbands who are way more reasonable than we are, haha. P.S. I'm sure the lens will not keep you from opening your own photography business. I am still open to being your assistant when you become awesomely famous. Where else have you been applying? BYU is dang hard. I think Nu Skin will be hiring soon, if you're interested.

Elsie N Lopez said...

Molly, I totally relate to not having the money to buy the equipment that you really think you need (I'm still shooting with my rebel and my laptop gave it's last breath a dew days ago). I talk to Matt about it all the time. But, Becca is right. You have to work with what you have and produce work that inspires people no matter what equipment you are using. Your name will get out there and you'll start booking more jobs!
As for work, I always looked at the classified section in the Daily Universe and found a few jobs from that when I was at BYU.

Anne said...

That stinks about the job problem. Looking for a job sucks. I like Andrews tactic, asking you random questions. I should try that one on Michael. We should go to lunch sometime, you, me, and Kaitlin. By the way, if you go private, please invite me. I want to read about your life.