Tuesday, November 24, 2009


No question about it, I have lost the last two.5 years worth of my pictures. My WD external harddrive pooped out on me a few months ago. The folder where I kept my pictures wouldn't open without an error message saying "This device is not formatted. Would you like to format now?" I thought my problems might be fixed by fixing my laptop or getting my files from my laptop hard drive. It also pooped out shortly before my hard drive pooped. Luckily I have a computer wiz brother-in-law who had a hard drive reader, so I read off my precious files from my laptop today and guess what? The only pictures on there were from El Salvador and the month before we left. Nothing else. What does that mean? It means that I lost:
-Chile pictures
-pictures of Andrew and I from when we first started dating all the way till our wedding pictures
-pictures and videos of Brillante and I during our MANY adventures together in college, Chile, etc.
-family pictures of my nephews, etc
-videos of dumb, but funny stuff during my college career with my bests
-all of my "learning" photoshoots from when I started learning how to take pictures with a DSLR

That really really bites. Actually, losing pictures SUCKS. Pardon my language:) But seriously, I never thought I'd be this depressed about losing pictures! Thank goodness I have my El Sal pictures, or else today would be a VERY sad day for me. I mean, it's already sad because I can't fix my laptop. To be able to fix my laptop I just need to reinstall all of the software cds. But guess what? My cd drive/reader doesn't work either! So, there you go. Dead laptop forever. :( So sad!

Ok, now some good news. I'M QUITTING MY JOB AT CRICKET!!!!!!!! YES!!! Seriously, so happy. I know some people may call me crazy to quit a good job during this economy, but I couldn't get off for my brother's wedding and I couldn't have a single day off for Christmas break to fly out and visit Andrew's family. Ridiculous. So, I'm quitting. That means Andrew and I will be super poor, which means no new lap top for a long time.

But life is good. I'm happy and the semester is nearly over!

Other good news: I didn't lose any of my music:) Thank GOODNES!


Rebecca said...

Molly, I am sad for you. Very very sad. That's a huge loss and you have every right to feel super upset. If it makes you feel better, you have inspired me to back up my backup. I'll get on it right away actually. Oh Molly. :(
In lighter news, I am excited you'll be fetching us from the airport in only a matter of days!

Meg said...

Yeah Molly! Stick it to the man!!!