Tuesday, July 7, 2009

9 months down, 9 months to go

So, my VERY best friend in the entire world (minus Andrew...but Andrew is my best boy friend and Brillante is my best girl friend) is on a mission right now in the Resistencia, Argentina mission. She is the BOMB...I mean that completely in a positive way. She is my best for that reason, after all. We were roommates freshman year and our friendship has grown into something like a sisterhood, I'd say. I'm really hoping she'll marry someone somehow related to me so that we can be related for real, rather than just pretending like we are. Honestly, though, this girl is amazing. She is a HARD worker (one of the hardest workers I know), she's PASSIONATE, she's really loving, and very thoughtful. This girl is going places in life and she has been a great influence and inspiration to me.

Maybe I should put a picture up of her...oh, and have I mentioned that since our freshman year, we've done everything together? During the time from August 25, 2005 until October 1, 2008 we've spent maybe a total of 2 months away from each other. That's a lot of time together, and that's a lot of memories (Chile, AZ, Glenwood, 81st ward, Sunday afternoons at random lakes, boyfriend break-ups, my wedding, her mission call, etc). I can't really describe how much I love this girl...I just do, so understand that. ANYWAY, I've made a video for her to watch. She can't listen to it, but that's okay (no sound on her comp?) and I figured I'd put it on here too so you can send her a sweet email telling her congrats for living in a foreign country for 9 months telling everyone about the gospel and encourage her to go for another 9 months (not that she necessarily needs it...she'll stay with or without encouragement, but she'll like it still:)

One of my favorite pictures of Brillante and I...our first BYU football game together. We look so young. Oct 2005

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Oh my goodness Molly. That video. What can I say? You are truly truly one of a kind. And if that video alone doesn't encourage her to stay for like 2 years, (not that she would, I'm just trying to make a point here) I don't know what will! Thanks for sharing such an intimate moment with all of us!