Saturday, October 18, 2008

Railroad tracks

I took a few more pictures of my friend Kaitlyn. A lot of them are similar in style...meaning, they are basically the same picture, but different. ha!

Anyway, here we go:
Larissa, I took this button picture with you in mind...I tried out the whole blurry thing that was on your friends blog...I plan on doing more photos like that, but I finally got it right when it was too dark

Kaitlyn's going on a mission and wanted a cute picture of her to put in her papers
That's all...Larissa! Comments and criticism!!


Larissa said...

These are so fun to look at! I want to be your photo critic because I like to see all your pics, so keep them coming. Ok here we go...

Picture 1: That is one sexy button. I'm glad you looked at that website. Pictures that use depth of field are some of my favorites. Honestly, I would check a basic photography book out of the local library or BYU library that you can at least look at picture examples. I think it will help you figure out what features give what look/effect.

Picture 2: I love this picture. I like the colors, I like the style, I like the lines/composition, and I think she should put this one in her mission papers.

Picture 3: I really like this one too. I like the subject and again the lines make it an interesting picture and had to the focus of your subject.

Picture 4: I think this one is really cute too. Did you use photoshop or something to add the color effects?

Picture 5: This is a really cute picture of Kaitlyn. I think there's a little too much sky and I think the background could afford to be a bit fuzzier, but not much (that's the depth of field again). I think maybe because her head and the freeway line up perfectly, it almost divides the picture and draws a lot of attention to the sky. The lower part is busy and the top part is empty. I feel like the negative space demands more attention than it should. I like the train track idea though.

Picture 6: I really like this one too for all the same reasons. Fun and unique subject, train tracks make interesting lines, Kaitlyn has sexy legs.

Ok, well I definitely had less criticism on these. But, I hope what little I had helped. I will have to scan and send a little sheet to you that my friend gave to me to help me understand aperture when I was taking my photography class. Maybe you already understand it, but I'll send it anyway.

Love you lots and I can't wait to see some more!

Kris said...

I won't go into near as much detail...I like the boot picture in sepia. It looks cool. How's that for criticism?

kelli said...

Hi, I just got your photo comment from my blog! Thanks! I was looking through your blog and I think that this is my favorite post. I LOVE the last one... it's so good. Yes I applied to the BYU photography program this past February but I did not get in. However, I was very unprepared and was not able to talk to the professors about my portfolio, so I put all the wrong stuff in. I would say that the last picture in this post would be a good one to put in. Talk to the professors! That is my best advice. Sorry this is so long. Any more questions, just email me, or you can add me on Facebook!
-Kelli Brown