Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm a budding photographer

Miss us yet? An entire month...we've moved in. Hallelujah. It was annoying, but we did it. We received SO many gifts...if there are people reading this who gave us a gift...THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It's so awesome to not have to worry about paying for household type things when you have tuition, rent, car payments/etc to deal with. Thanks soo much:)

Both of us are in school. It's easy peasy...lemon squeezy. Both working too...that's it.

I've also begun my first real hobby, other than the time when I collected and traded rocks in elementary school. I bought a camera (Nikon D80) about a month ago and I've finally put it to use! Thank you Danielle for asking me to take your pictures! I was SO nervous, but it went pretty well...for my first time, anyway. I don't know much about lighting, but thank goodness for photo correcting programs because those helped the pictures that I took a lot.

I think I got 5 or 6 decent pictures out of the 115 that I took! yyyaayy:) haha! So lame, but I was happy that I got that many. But it really pumped me up to go out and find more models. So, anyone wanting to be my model and let me practice my picture-taking skills, I would be VERY willing.

Here are a few pictures I took. Tell me what you honest. And I think, Larissa, you're the only one who reads this. So be honest:
This is Danielle...she's a trombonist and she has her senior recital in 3 weeks. She asked me to take her picture for her flyers. She knew I needed some practice, but she's so cute! I hope she likes these pictures
her and her trombone. She's a good playerJust a random shot of her...she looks really good at this angle. I have a few other pictures of her from this angle and she's just really's another the lighting is kind of funny...but I like it, in a way.

just a traditional, senior portrait:)

That's it. So anyone want to be my model??


Kaitlyn Thatcher said...

Molly I want to be your model! Like for real, cuz i need mission pictures.

Larissa said...

Apparently I'm not the only one who reads your blog. Ok so, I like your pictures, but you asked for constructive criticism so here goes...
Picture 1: The lighting seems a bit weird, but I like the composition.
Picture 2: Not into the classroom background and I think the balance is off. I think you could play with Depth of Field a little more ont this one so the friend and the horn are in focus and the background is more blurry. My friend has a blog where he gives instructions for this, I'll email it to you. Oh, and the indoor lighting is obvious- not lovely colors.
Picture 3: I really like this one (although I think you can see her knee a bit- obviously a little cropping will do that trick).
Picture 4: Cool picture. You already know for the lighting.
Picture 5: Cute standart photo.

Ok, well you wanted honest opinion and you KNOW you'll get them from me. While I might look like a mean big sister, you know I still love you and I'm impressed with your skills and abilities. Wish I had them myself. Keep posting your pictures and don't worry, I won't give an opinion unless you ask for one. :)

emily said...

I love the one from above! Though it does help that she is naturally gorgeous--not to slam your photography skills... haha! I'm glad married life is going so well for you, and I wish I was nearby so that we could see each other more than every few years!