So here we go:
Our friends, Rachel and Ryan, their family members Ashley and Cole, and their friend Kirsten all decided to hang out on our Saturday juntitos. We decided it would be fun to go to La Puerta del Diablo (The Devil's Door), which is just right up the road from the Hogar. Nada mal (aka not bad for you non-spanish speakers out there). AND, luckily for us, Rachel and Ryan were seasoned pro's at the Puerta del Diablo and knew a extra secret, dangerous crevice path to climb up. It was like a real adventure!
Above is my ascent up this ladder. If you look in the second foto (photo), you will see the rung below the one I am standing on is rung number 1. You can't tell in the picture, but that first run is about 7 feet above the ground. That means a climb and boost to get started on that ladder. CRAZY! (don't worry, it was safe)
Above is the view directly above the ladder. The picture to the left is Ashley and Cole (siblings of Ryan) and that is the view on the way up. Looking down is what you see in the picture to the right. That is Andrew and Rachel, happily climbing up. Look at how happy Rachel is to be climbing and adventuring.
We made it to the top!! If you want to see a cooler picture with everyone, check it out here. You can also see other fun activities that we did while they were there (that way I don't have to post about them. I'm too floja (lazy)).
Above is Andrew FINALLY trying a "lote loco" or in English "crazy corn". He had been dreaming of trying a lote loco ever since we watched Nacho Libre. He decided to get the following toppings on his corn cob: mustard, mayo, ketchup, some gross dark purplish-brown sauce, cheese, and chili pepper sauce. Sound delish (as in delicious) or what?? Hahah! Wrong! He hated it, and I didn't dare try it. Nasty.
The picture above is of our El Salvadoran friend who worked as the social worker at the Hogar. She was the bomb. Super intimidating at first, but just a sweetheart after. She has some strong opinions and she used to crack me up on some of her comments about particular workers at the Hogar who rubbed her the wrong way. She was awesome though. She introduced us to the macadamia nut tree behind the casita (little house), she introduced us to free lunches at the Hogar, she pulled many a string for us to go on vacation in Hogar vans, and she would take us on random tours of the Hogar and show us stuff like the old sewage system they used to use. Haha! Love her.
A picture of the cute kids who call me their muneca (doll). The little girl hugging me is the one who asked if I could see and if my husband could understand English. From L-R they are Flor, Glenda and Sergio. Cute kids:)
Gotta LOVE the pictures above. Andrew with Memo and Cole with Memo. You see, we decided it would be nice to have a dinner with the Nuns and give them our gift of a photo book (as thanks) and some calendars to give out. We also decided to invite Memo up to help break the ice and keep things from becoming awkward. He didn't disappoint. At the end of the meal, Memo decided it was time for arm wrestling. He arm wrestled EVERYONE and beat EVERYONE (except Hermana Guadalupe, who is muscle woman and you would never know it!). Anyway, he got a little more into it when he was wrestling the boys, and whipped off his tee shirt to reveal his rippling biceps and washboard abs. Then he began to growl. Oh, my goodness, DIE LAUGHING! My stomach hurt after a while, but it was worth it. Memo is the man (and ps-Memo's face in the picture with Cole=priceless. He's growling! haha!)
A special growling video, just for you.
Sweet little Sonia and me. This little girl is so preciosa (precious).
Ana Maria and me. She is a hoot. She is the maternal figure among the residents. She scolds, she comforts, she moniters, etc. But, she is still just a sweet little girl at heart. She won't admit it, but she LOVES playing with the volunteers and she always wants to be a part of whatever is going on, even though she says she doesn't want to (because adults don't act that way!):)
Our going away party/Ryan's birthday party. Yay!!! We love surprises and we love our shirts the kids made us!
Carmencita and Edwin with closed eyes. That flash is killer.
Ok, and on our last night, Rachel and I spent approx. 5 hours on organizing and throwing away supplies. It was a MESS before, but now look at it. Beautiful. We can only hope it stays that way. We finished around 3ish in the manana (morning) and had to leave at 5 that same morning for the airport. Crazy? Yes. I think Rachel went to bed even like 3:30ish or later. NUTS!
That is this post. I will post mas (more) later. Hasta luego! (Until later!)
***Larissa, I have translated for you in blue. I mean, come on now. Your husband speaks espanish. Have him translate for you...sheesh***
The pictures are so cute! I love them and am so sorry to hear you lost a bunch of them. I can't imagine how upsetting that is. Regardless, these are great! I'm excited to see/hear more about your adventures. And also, I really love that picture of you with the green headband and the children - mostly because I think you look very pretty in it and I like your headband and outfit! :) Lastly, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. So nice! You made my day!
Way to go, Floja! You finally posted! Ha ha! Loved it!
I do not like Spanglish because I do not understand part of your blog. I have half a mind to not even comment. But, because you're my sister and I like Memo, my comment is "I houd van Memo". Now how does that make you feel that you can't understand my comment, huh?
those containers look awesome! good work
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