Anyway, so I have a few normal-life pictures to post from Halloween. Andrew and I dressed up as smurfs for all hallows eve and had some good old fun. We stopped by my mom's house to see the Bullock kids in their costumes and then we returned to Provo to boogy the night away at a BYU singles dance. HA! That's right, we totally crashed the party
as a married couple. Nicole said we could be the chaperones. Hahha...that's funny too. But we had a ton of fun with our single friends dancing and getting sweaty and having blue melt everywhere:) Not really, but I sure was hot with my hat on!!
That picture might be the only ALMOST full body shot of us...I took a picture of Andrew and his costume, but he forgot to take a picture of me at full body...but hey! The hats are the best part. Andrew as the nerdy smurf and I was smurfette. We look GOOD!
Then there is Andrew...see? He looks GOOD.
Then there are my friends at the dance. So...Anne has the pink hair and she had my favorite outfit because she looked so HOT!! She should be a punk rocker every day!
Notice the sparkly pink hair, nose-stud, black lip
You guys are cute little smurfs! I was hoping to see pictures of the kids. You didn't take any? I love the lashes. Anne looks awesome. I love her costume! If you go to my blog, and click on "Erin" on my blog list, you can see her costume. It's pretty sweet (and very evil). Then, if you click on "Patty, Amber & Ace" link, you can see what she really looks like. It's a cool contrast.
So, I give the best default. Everyone loves those compliments. Like you're the coolest little sister I've ever had and you're my favorite little default, but not by any other standards. :)
Anne looks awesome! Oh my gosh. I was thinking of being a smurf too, but we went with the cards haha. You guys looked perfect and it cracks me up you crashed a singles ward party...woot woot. I'm excited to see you tomorrow!
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