Monday, July 14, 2008

Well, a good month has gone by, and where have I been? Here the whole time, getting a few things done here and there.

Let's see, I have flowers figured out. I have reception ideas mostly figured out. I don't really know how it'll go. What happens at receptions? Ring ceremony, food, dancing, and then visiting and peace out? I mean, quite honestly, I do not know.

I have my invitations FINISHED!! I'm ssososososo excited to finally get those things out of here. I feel incredibly un-stressed about the wedding. Why? Because I've decided I'm just so excited to be MARRIED that I don't care about the fluffy celebration stuff. I'll celebrate my own way:) I am excited to go home, though. It will be very nice to see my friends and family for a little bit. I'm sure I'll be stressed while I'm there, but it'll work out.

What else is there to write? I get married in one month on Tuesday! 4 weeks on Friday!! And all of my family will be there!! I cannot wait:) I really love Andrew...I think he is the most wonderful person I know and I get to spend forever with him. He's my favorite person, and dannng I'm lucky to have him:)

That's all. Nothing new. Brillante got her mission call to Argentina! Yyyaayyy:) I'm so excited for her:)

now, for real...that's it!

1 comment:

Larissa said...

Molly! I found your blog. Who knows how long it will be until you actually see that I've made a comment. Anyway, clearly the apartment pictures didn't work on the blog. I want to see picture of your place though! Love you lots and hopefully I'll talk to you soon. Not too soon though because you're a newlywed and newlyweds are oblivious to the existence of all other people. And, that's ok. That's the beauty of love! <3